Minecraft Creative Servers: 5 Summer Builds [2022]

1) Summer Lake

One of the best parts about playing on a Minecraft creative server is that it is easy to transform the world around you. To prepare for this type of build, turn your plot into water using one of the built-in tools such as WorldEdit. This allows you to change multiple blocks at once by rating the server each time you play.

Once you have changed it to water, you have the perfect backdrop for a summer lake. Whether you want to build an airy summer house or create an artificial mountain around the lake, you have plenty of options with the large plots.

2) Beach Hut

You may have come across the iconic beach hut while on holiday at the beach, or maybe closer to home if you're lucky... but what type of colour is your favorite? Invite your friends onto the creative Minecraft servers and hang out together in your newly made beach huts!

You could host player contests or competitions in your plots and even use the beach huts as your judging area. What about the area surrounding the beach hut? Will they sit surrounded by sand, or closer to water with a cliff backdrop?

3) Theme Park

Where better to visit during the summer than a theme park? Or one better.. one that you've made yourself! Think outside the box and come up with unique ways to create race tracks (that are actually boats on ice!) or even more simple events such as horse racing. What will you come up with?

There are plenty of videos to learn more about creating this type of build from. Alternatively, you could also create it purely for the aesthetics. Maybe it will look better at night? What type of "theme" will you give your theme park?

4) Minecraft Ship

Where will you voyage to this summer? How many friends you can bring depends on the size of boat you make! Will it be more of a cruise ship, or more of a simple navigation boat? Use blocks such as quartz when emulating the modern style on the creative servers.

If you're going for the more medieval route, there's all kinds of new logs and stones which you can put to use. Create maps of your plot and display them in your ship. Set the ship in the water, or on display like a museum!

5) Sand Castle

If you've been to the beach in your childhood, you've surely built a sand castle. With all the sand blocks at your disposal, why not recreate one on the Minecraft servers? It has to be set in the sand of course, so prepare your plot accordingly. If you're newer to building or less experienced, this is a great option because of the simple block palette. It also looks cool!